Sanskrit (संस्कृतम्) is one of the earliest languages of the Indo-European family and has important similarities with ancient Greek, Latin and other ancient languages of Europe and Asia. Its most ancient form is found in the Vedas (1500 BC). After Panini (4th century BC), the grammar is systematized and we have the classical Sanskrit form that continues to exist to this day. In Sanskrit are written most of India’s philosophical texts, as well as of ancient sciences, such as Ayurveda, astrology, mathematics and others. The great Indian epics of the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, the Puranas, as well as some of mankind’s greatest literary masterpieces are also in Sanskrit.
Why learn Sanskrit?
- Improve your knowledge of linguistics, Indian religions, philosophy and culture.
- Refine and broaden your horizons by studying Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Sutra and other philosophical texts of Hinduism and Buddhism.
- Meditate on the deeper meaning of the sacred texts in an attempt to give the correct interpretation.
- Understand the etymology of the words in Hindi, Bengali, and other Indian languages derived from Sanskrit.
- Get rid of the mental stress with the harmonic chant of the mantras (Sanskrit hymns).
- Strengthen memory, cultivate logic, and improve the accuracy of your expression.
Sanskrit Courses at the Athens Center for Indian & Indo-Hellenic Studies
Regular Sanskrit lessons take place once a week and last for two hours. Classes are held in small groups (up to 5 students) at the Athens Indian & Greek-Indian Studies Center or online through the ZOOM platform.. All lessons are conducted under the guidance of Indologist Professor Dimitrios Vassiliadis.
The following courses are taught according to the Sanskrit educational system:
Prathamā (प्रथमा) – Introduction to the Sanskrit language
1st Year for beginners
Weekly lessons. The course is based on the book “Introduction to the Sanskrit Language” (2nd edition 2021) by Dimitrios Vassiliadis and includes learning of the Devanagari script, vocabulary, syntax, grammar and study of selected Sanskrit passages and mantras.
Eligible for registration in Class B are those who have completed the introductory course or have basic knowledge of the Sanskrit language.
Madhyamā (मध्यमा) – Literature Course
Weekly lessons. Learning the Sanskrit language through translating short stories from Panchatandra and other Sanskrit books. The lessons include etymology and literal translation of the words and interpretation of the grammatical and syntactical phenomena we meet.
Enrollment in the course requires completing the Prathamā level or adequate knowledge of the Sanskrit language.
Śāstrī (शास्त्री) – Study of philosophical texts
Weekly lessons. Word-by-word translation and interpretation of selected Sanskrit texts, such as the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, the Yoga Sutra, the Siva Sutra, etc. The scholar learns the most important texts of the spiritual traditions of India in their original language.
Enrollment in the course requires completing the Prathamā level or adequate knowledge of the Sanskrit language.
Ācārya (आचार्य) – Teaching and research
Research projects. Translation and publication of Sanskrit texts. Preparing audio-visual teaching material. Republication of the books by Greek Indologists. Teacher-training course.
Courses for the academic year 2024-25 will be held online through the ZOOM platform.
Starting – October 2024
The hours of the courses are determined according to the discretion of the students and the teacher. Write us the hours you prefer or contact Prof. Dimitris Vassiliadis at
Prathamā : The hours of the courses are determined according to the discretion of the students and the teacher.
Madhyamā: The hours of the courses are determined according to the discretion of the students and the teacher.
Śāstrī: Monday 11.00-13.00
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