Indian Philosophy: 3rd study “The Unorthodox – Buddhism, Jainism, Materialism”

सम्यग्दर्शनज्ञानचारित्राणि मोक्षमार्गः
Right vision, right knowledge and right conduct are the path to liberation
Tattvārtha Sūtra Ι.1.
The Athens Center for Indian and Indo-Hellenic Studies organizes a new online course in Indian Philosophy, under the guidance of Indologist Professor Dimitrios Vassiliadis on the theme “The Unorthodox – Buddhism, Jainism, Materialism”. This is the 3rd cοurse in the series “Introduction to Indian Philosophy”. Students who have not attended the previous courses can also enroll. The lessons will be held for two classes as follows:
Morning class: Every Wednesday from 12.00 to 2.00 pm. Starting on May 12, 2021, (3rd part, Buddhism) October 6, 2021.
Evening class: Every Wednesday from 20.00 to 22.00 pm. Starting on May 12, 2021, (3rd part, Buddhism) October 6, 2021.
The Sanskrit term ‘nāstika’ (unorthodox) is used mostly by Western scholars to categorize India’s ancient Sramanic traditions as opposed to orthodox Brahmanic (āstika). This category includes the schools of Buddhism, Jainism, and Materialism with their many divisions and sects. The common feature among the nāstika schools is the rejection of the beliefs in the apocalyptic nature of the Vedas, in God, and in the cosmic soul (brahman or ātman).

The Tattvārthasūtra, (Verses on the Meaning of Reality) is an ancient Jain text written by Acharya Umaswami in Sanskrit, sometime between the 2nd- and 5th-century CE. It is regarded as one of the earliest, most authoritative and complete philosophical texts in Jainism.
The Dhammapada (Way of Truth) is a collection of sayings of the Buddha preserved in the Khuddaka Nikaya, a division of the Pali Canon. It is one of the most sacred books of Theravada Buddhism and a rich source of the prevalent ethical teachings at the times of the Buddha.
The Mūlamadhyamakakārikā (Root Verses on the Middle Way), is the foundational text of the Madhyamaka school of Mahāyāna Buddhist philosophy. It was composed in Sanskrit by the Indian philosopher Nāgārjuna (approximately around 150 CE), who taught the emptiness of all phenomena. The book is regarded as one of the most influential texts in the history of Buddhist philosophy, especially in Tibet and East Asia.
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